Welcome to the most unconventional Punjabi podcast out there. Dive into thought-provoking and unique discussions, where we explore topics beyond the norm. Join ...
Episode #54: Who was Osho?, and why does his name spark so much debate? Was he a spiritual visionary or a controversial cult leader? In this episode, we explore the big questions about his life, teachings, and lasting legacy.
Osho International - https://youtube.com/@oshointernational?si=qsAs-_jRhUaiEEAX
Rajneeshpuram by Russel King - https://amzn.to/4aAR4dm
Wild Wild Country - https://www.netflix.com/ca/title/80145240
Ashram in Poona - https://vimeo.com/417009669
Children of the Cult - https://archive.org/details/children-of-the-cult-2024
#53 - Maharaja Duleep Singh & Annexation of Punjab
In Episode #53, we explore the turbulent history behind the fall of the Sikh Empire—a tale of glory, betrayal, and British conquest. At the heart of this story is Maharaja Duleep Singh the boy king who was dethroned and exiled, losing not just his crown but also his cultural identity. We delve deeply into the story of Maharaja Duleep Singh, uncovering its lesser-known aspects.
00:00 - Sources
03:49 - Maharaja Ranjit Singh Lineage
07:04 - Punjab’s Game of Thrones
08:46 - Fight for the Crown
26:25 - Duleep Singh on throne
26:41 - Vazirs/PM’s
32:29 - Blaming Maharani Jind Kaur
35:49 - East India Company Bold moves
37:26 - Treaty of Amritsar 1809
41:25 - Maharani Jind Kaur started Anglo-Sikh War 1?
46:35 - Duleep Singh refuses Tilak
47:18 - Tightening Constraints
48:29 - East India Company Jealous
49:21 - Conquering 2/3 of Punjab
50:12 - Shattering Lahore Darbar
54:05 - Mother and Son Separated
56:23 - Duleep Singh Turning Christian
58:40 - Mulraj Rebellion
59:17 - Treaty Of Lahore
01:01:07 - Treaty of Bhyrowal
01:01:47 - Duleep Singh Reaching England
01:02:49 - Maharani Jind Kaur in Nepal
01:04:45 - Duleep Rejecting Victoria Gouramma
01:06:41 - Less Pension
01:07:45 - The Black Prince
01:08:59 - Duleep Singh Hobbies/Cozy Zone
01:10:07 - £1.7 Million Duleep Singh Statue
01:11:11 - Grouse Hunting
01:11:30 - Duleep Singh frustrated by lack of funds
01:13:20 - Aristocratic Lifestyle
01:14:36 - Duleep Meets her Mother
01:17:45 - Letter to Dr. login
01:18:11 - Maharani Jind Kaur Pension & Jewels
01:18:29 - Back to London with Maharani Jind kaur
01:20:16 - Maharani Jind kaur’s Death
01:22:21 - Meeting Future Wife Bamba Muller
01:23:45 - Death of Duleep Singh’s Guardian Dr. Login
01:24:03 - Lavish Elveden Hall
01:24:59 - Childhood Trauma & Extravagance
01:27:57 - Under Debut, Claims
01:30:47 - Evans Bells Annexation of Punjab
01:31:57 - Letter to Queen Victoria
01:34:04 - Ram Singh Kuka
01:34:39 - Rejoining With Sikh Heritage
01:34:57 - Composing Music on Piano
01:35:19 - Back to Sikhism & Aden Arrest
01:40:38 - Moving to Russia
01:49:06 - Ada Wethrill 2nd Wife
01:51:38 - Duleep Singh had Stroke
01:53:24 - Prince Victor Duleep Singh
01:55:48 - Death of Prince Edward Duleep Singh
01:56:22 - Last Days of Duleep Singh
01:59:02 - Turned Back to Christianity?
02:04:23 - Funeral
02:05:14 - Children of Duleep Singh
02:08:12 - Elvedan Hall Sold
02:08:51 - Lehna Singh Majithia
02:09:08 - Books & end thoughts
02:12:27 - Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: The Last Maharaja
Maharaja Duleep Singh Correspondence (History Of The Freedom Movement In The Punjab Volume III) by Dr. Ganda Singh - https://archive.org/details/MaharajaDuleepSinghCorrespondenceHistoryOfTheFreedomMovementInThePunjabVolumeIIIDr.GandaSinghEd.
Queen Victoria's Maharajah : Duleep Singh by Michael Alexander & Sushila Anand - https://archive.org/details/queenvictoriasma0000alex
Royals and Rebels: The Rise and Fall of the Sikh Empire by Priya Atwal - https://amzn.to/4g4FecL
Maharaja Daleep Singh by Piara Singh Data - https://archive.org/details/maharaja-daleep-singh/page/n63/mode/2up
Fall of the Kingdom of the Punjab by Khushwant Singh - https://archive.org/details/fall-of-kingdom-of-punjab-khushwant-singh
Jangnamah by Shah Mohammed - https://archive.org/details/TheFirstPunjabWar-ShahMohammedsJagnamah/page/n139/mode/2up
The Annexation of the Punjab & the Maharajah Duleep Singh by Evans Bell - https://archive.org/details/annexationofpunj00belluoft/page/n3/mode/2up
Chronology Of Events Of Maharaja Duleep Singh - https://archive.org/details/ChronologyOfEventsOfMaharajaDuleepSingh1838-1893A.d.
Memoirs Of Alexander Gardner by William Blackwood And Sons, London - https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.206459/page/n7/mode/2up
Maharajah Duleep Singh: King of Lahore by Trilok Singh Wouhra - https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780954593704/page/n5/mode/2up
The Maharaja's Box by Christy Campbell - https://amzn.to/3DXuRKh
#52 - Mastermind Who Brainwashed The World
In this episode #52 of the Unconventional Punjabi Podcast, we uncover the controversial history of the Unification Church, famously known as the Moonies. From its charismatic founder, Sun Myung Moon, to its global influence and allegations of manipulation, we explore how this group rose to power and why it remains shrouded in mystery. Join us as we discuss its crazy beliefs, practices, and the impact it has had on its followers and the world.
#51 - Mystery Behind Drones
Podcast Episode #51: Are UFOs just advanced drones or something more? Could aliens be real? What is interdimensional beings Theory? and why does the government hide UAP info? Join us as we try to understand the biggest questions about mysterious sightings, ancient reports, and groundbreaking technology.
00:00 - New Jersey Drone Sightings
09:33 - Military & Commercial drones
16:21 - Struggle to capture UFO footage
18:54 - UFO vs. UAP: What’s the difference?
22:11 - Tyson’s UFO skepticism under fire
22:54 - Orbs and plasmoids
23:43 - Dr. Greer says we have alien tech
26:09 - Bob Lazar & Donation Theory
27:48 - Ancient UFO sightings—fact or fiction?
31:44 - Chinese balloon, Alaska Object, NORAD
34:21 - Are plasmoids the real deal?
37:34 - Information vacuum
38:08 - Hierarchical structures
41:51 - Why hide UAP info from the public?
45:33 - Pentagon & internal UAP conflicts
49:00 - Brazil’s UFO encounter
50:48 - How old is this tech?
52:28 - Silencing whistleblowers on UAP’s
53:24 - Could Operation Bluebeam be real?
01:01:35 - Silent football-sized UFOs reported
01:02:00 - Interdimensional beings
01:02:33 - Caribbean & UAP’s
01:04:37 - UAP’s and Nukes
01:05:21 - Are aliens already hiding among us?
01:06:53 - Insiders can’t speak openly
01:07:22 - Public reactions to UAP arrivals
01:09:40 - Roswell aliens are real?
01:13:33 - Psychic abilities, Remote viewing, and Interdimensional life
01:25:31 - Capability vs. Intent
01:26:47 - Operation Paperclip & German technology
01:28:25 - Quantum entanglement
01:32:02 - Classic vs. Quantum Computing
01:36:14 - Parallel Universe
01:37:53 - Quantum Teleportation over the internet
01:38:21 - Possibility of Advance Tech & Aliens
01:40:21 - Deep state & UAP
01:41:53 - Believe it or not- Extraterrestrial life & Advance Tech
01:53:40 - Drone Theories
01:55:06 - Stress Testing
01:55:45 - Fermi Paradox, AI, Multiplanetary System
#50 - The 9/11 Inside Story
In episode #50, we explore the events of September 11, 2001—a day that left the world shaken. What really happened on 9/11? How did it unfold, and what questions remain unanswered? We delve into the timeline of events, significant aftermath, and the broader impact on global policies and perspectives.
Welcome to the most unconventional Punjabi podcast out there. Dive into thought-provoking and unique discussions, where we explore topics beyond the norm. Join us for in-depth conversations that challenge the status quo and expand your horizons. Follow now to broaden your perspective with our one-of-a-kind Punjabi podcast content.