Humans have visited space more often than the depths of the ocean. And that's because the deeper we go, the more dangerous the water pressure becomes for us. At about 1,000 feet, the pressure could crush us! But lurking 3,000 feet underwater, in the mysterious Twilight Zone, is the Baird's beaked whale, a torpedo-shaped giant with a bird like beak! When one of these incredible creatures washes ashore in Washington, scientists at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture get to crack some deep sea mysteries. Get ready to head to the Twilight Zone (metaphorically!) as we track down the Baird’s Beaked Whale and find out how these elusive creatures withstand the crushing pressures of the deep ocean. Psssst! Get in on the fun: Grab our free activity book: Text ‘spectacular’ to 206-926-9955 to join our Spectacular Text Club And you can share your Big Think, drawings, and thoughts with us at
[email protected] Spectacular Specimens is made possible by KUOW Public Radio in Seattle in collaboration with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. Support more episodes at for privacy information.