A Bob Dylan Primer is a series of broadcasts dedicated to the work and life of Bob Dylan. The first season consists of 12 episodes, appearing approximately once...
Before television, a boy was born in springtime Minnesota. 25 years later he was the most beloved, and most reviled – pop star on the planet.
A Bob Dylan Primer is a series that tells the story of the work and life of Bob Dylan. Over the course of 16 episodes it covers the time period from Dylan’s youth in Minnesota and early days in New York City up to the release of Dylan’s Time Out Of Mind in 1997.
Greenwich Village Folk Riot – 1961
Greenwich Village During the Beat-Nik Era Folkies
Kingston Trio – Tom Dooley – 1958
Bob Dylan – Remember Me – East Orange, NJ – 1961
Dylan – First recorded concert – May 6, 1961
Bob Dylan on Oscar Brand Radio Show – November 1961
To Access The Complete Series
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A Bob Dylan Primer is a series of broadcasts dedicated to the work and life of Bob Dylan. The first season consists of 12 episodes, appearing approximately once a month, and covering the time period from Dylan’s youth in Minnesota and early days in New York City up to the release of Dylan’s Time Out Of Mind in 1997. I’ve attempted to combine a detailed account of Dylan’s life with my own personal observations about Dylan’s creative output and place in our world. It’s my hope that A Bob Dylan Primer will be embraced by a wide range of people, from Dylan fanatics to those who are just trying to understand what all the fuss might be about.
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