SUBSCRIBE TO IMPOSSIBLE WAY OF LIFE ON PATREON TO ACCESS FULL EPISODE kontinue our krusade through The Kinks katalogue with a kritique of their klassic 1965 album Kinda Kinks.
Episode 397 - KINKS
Our Kinks month officially kicks off with a rank and review of their debut LP "KINKS".
(TEASER) Episode 396 - The Kinks for IWOL
SUBSCRIBE TO IMPOSSIBLE WAY OF LIFE ON PATREON TO ACCESS FULL EPISODE attempt to avoid the trappings of "cool stories in rock" and remain a podcast that discusses music on a purely musical level, we have decided to do a month of pods on The Kinks. Why The Kinks you ask? Well, they are a band that don't actually have too many "cool stories in rock", they just make good music and that's about it.
Episode 395 - A.I. Award Season
Ringo is #1, The Beatles are up for record of the year with an A.I Beatles song, Chalamet is desperate for an Oscar because he learned to sing like Bob Dylan (with a little help from A.I), and Adrian Brody's Hungarian accent is A.I assisted. It's award season and things are more demented than ever.
(TEASER) Episode 394 - The Ageing Rock & Roll Cabal
SUBSCRIBE TO IMPOSSIBLE WAY OF LIFE ON PATREON TO ACCESS FULL EPISODE comes to us live via satellite from the UK and he's brought a hot new take along with him. We are also starting a Beatles cover band so we needed to work out the set list.