The Hale Institute at New Saint Andrews College is dedicated to the study and discussion of law in its substance, grounding, and effects on persons and communit...
Longtime editor of Modern Age, Daniel McCarthy, comes on the show to talk about what the so-called New Right has going for it, and what it can afford to learn from the western tradition.
Episode 33: Ad Fontes (feat. Graham Shearer)
Graham Shearer teaches theology at Union Theological College. He joins Timon on the show to talk about the use of historical sources and current political trends.
Episode 32: Common Law Conservatism (feat. Daniel Pitt)
Timon is joined by Daniel Pitt, associate fellow at the University of Hull, to talk about the common law tradition, conservatism, and the legacy of Roger Scruton.
"Common Law Conservatism" - Daniel Pitt
"Piety, Love, and the Permanent Things" - Daniel Pitt
Episode 31: Religion and Republic (feat. Miles Smith)
The first repeat guest of the podcast, Miles Smith (Hillsdale College), stops by to talk about his new book on the “Christian institutionalism” of the early American republic.
Religion and Republic by Miles Smith
Episode 30: Everyman’s Guide to Political Theology (feat. Joe Rigney)
Joe Rigney, a teaching fellow at New Saint Andrews College, talks to Timon about the different camps of Protestant political theology today.
The Hale Institute at New Saint Andrews College is dedicated to the study and discussion of law in its substance, grounding, and effects on persons and community. The Institute carries out its mission both through course study within the college curriculum and in wider public discourse through publication and symposia. The Institute’s aims are informed by the Christian faith in the Reformed tradition and directed to the end of empowering persons to honor God and love neighbor through promoting the conditions and institutions of political liberty and civic virtue. Timon Cline is the Director of Scholarly Initiatives at Hale Institute and host of the podcast.