230: Raccoons Sound Off! Has Robyn Been Stealing This Whole Time?
Bea and Dee take your Sister Wives calls & opinions! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! https://patreon.com/realitytvcringeFollow us on IG https://instagram.com/realitytvcringeSubscribe to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2CgqXLWjIEKV9PCtH3Kjw?sub_confirmation=1Leave a message for us on SpeakPipe: https://speakpipe.com/realitytvcringeSupport the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
229: Sister Wives Rewind - Big Boy Panties (S6 E3)
The eldest Brown kids are off to college, the cul-de-sac homes are still under construction, and Robyn drags the family to another expo to promote My Sisterwife's Closet and...spoiler! It's another failure, and we love to see it! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! https://patreon.com/realitytvcringeFollow us on IG https://instagram.com/realitytvcringeSubscribe to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2CgqXLWjIEKV9PCtH3Kjw?sub_confirmation=1Leave a message for us on SpeakPipe: https://speakpipe.com/realitytvcringeSupport the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
228: Raccoons Sound Off! Kody Brown Better Put That Beer Belly Away
Bea and Dee take your calls!Join our Patreon for more cringey content! https://patreon.com/realitytvcringeFollow us on IG https://instagram.com/realitytvcringeSubscribe to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2CgqXLWjIEKV9PCtH3Kjw?sub_confirmation=1Leave a message for us on SpeakPipe: https://speakpipe.com/realitytvcringeSupport the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
227: Sister Wives Rewind - Four Lives of Kody's Wives (S6 E2)
This week we take the journey into the Four Lives of Kody's Wives... Robyn is the obvious favorite and the only one who gets to go on dates, Janelle is effectively a single mom parenting her emotional teens, Christine is the perpetual basement wife and #TeamTooMuch, and Meri is pretending like her marriage with Kody isn't doomed. Oh, and apparently, Meri, Kody and Robyn are the reason the cul-de-sac homes are delayed. Things are getting juicy, y'all! Join our Patreon for more cringey content! https://patreon.com/realitytvcringeFollow us on IG https://instagram.com/realitytvcringeSubscribe to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2CgqXLWjIEKV9PCtH3Kjw?sub_confirmation=1Leave a message for us on SpeakPipe: https://speakpipe.com/realitytvcringeSupport the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!
226: Raccoons Sound Off! Robyn's Out Of Control Spending Problem
Bea and Dee take your unhinged dumpster calls!Join our Patreon for more cringey content! https://patreon.com/realitytvcringeFollow us on IG https://instagram.com/realitytvcringeSubscribe to see our raccoon faces on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2CgqXLWjIEKV9PCtH3Kjw?sub_confirmation=1Leave a message for us on SpeakPipe: https://speakpipe.com/realitytvcringeSupport the pod by leaving a 5-star review on your favorite podcast platform! Thank you so much!