X-Men The Audio Drama retells the adventures of the Uncanny X-Men from the very beginning, using the comic book history and stories as a template while retellin...
Angel is no more, but can the first former X-Men and an unlikely Morlock ally save him from the grasp of Apocalypse?
Episode 4: X-Factor Part One: From The Ashes
Warren Worthington's injuries from the Mutant Massacre lead him down a dark path, and some "Fantastic" friends find one of the founding X-Men alive and well. But what does her return mean for the rest of the team all these years later? Especially Scott Summers.
Episode 1: 10 Years Of X-Men: The Audio Drama
On this day in July 2014 this show was first published. I had no idea then how it would grow into this awesome project. Join me and cast members past and present as we talk about the origins of the show and the last ten years in celebration.
Episode 3: Season 4, Episode 3: Mutant Massacre Part 2
Two X-Men and one founding member are down. Now Wolverine heads deeper into the tunnel and finds an old foe. Patreon: http://patreon.com/scytheraudio Twitter: @scytherpodcasts Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/650653151690530 Discord: https://discord.gg/uPKF3AaC
Episode 2: Season 4, Episode 2: Mutant Massacre Part 1
The arrival of the X-Men's newest member is interupted by a horrific attack on the mutants known as the Morlocks. The attackers mean buisness and the X-Men may never be the same again.
X-Men The Audio Drama retells the adventures of the Uncanny X-Men from the very beginning, using the comic book history and stories as a template while retelling and modernizing the tales. Season One told the classic stories of the "First Class," Season Two now delves into the "All New, All Different" era.