How big is the Solar System? What actually orbits our Sun? Why should I even be interested in space? we'll answer these and a whole host of other questions. We ...
What They Didn't Teach You at School about Planet Mercury | NASA's MESSENGER Discoveries
Everything you could want to know about Mercury, from its craters, to its history and geology - plus a look into its most bizarre characteristics.
The Only Thing Stopping Us Colonizing Mars Tomorrow (ft. Veritasium)
Join us on an epic journey to the Red Planet in this exclusive collaboration with Veritasium! In this Supercut of Astrum’s Mars videos, we dive deep into the harsh realities of the Martian landscape and the extreme conditions future human settlers will face. From colossal dust storms and growing crops in Martian soil to the challenges faced by rovers, we’ll explore the cutting-edge innovations being developed to tackle Mars' unique dangers. Will human settlement really be possible by 2050? Could YOU be among the first humans to set foot on Mars?Plus, don't miss our exclusive special guest feature! Derek from Veritasium shares his insights on groundbreaking Mars exploration technologies being developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
The Image NASA Didn't Want to Receive from the Deep Impact Probe
How NASA crashed into Tempel-1 and visited Wild-2 with the Deep Impact and Stardust probes.
How Opportunity Shocked NASA Scientists
The Perseverance Rover has successfully begun its mission on Mars, but there was an important forerunner mission that paved the way for it. Opportunity.
Why These Rocks on Mars Shocked Perseverance Scientists the Most
Everything NASA's Perseverance saw and discovered during its first year on Mars.
How big is the Solar System? What actually orbits our Sun? Why should I even be interested in space? we'll answer these and a whole host of other questions. We will have a series dedicated to each of our planets and showcase beautiful images and videos captured by probes and spacecraft of our amazing Solar System.
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