The Women In International Justice podcast revolves around diversity on the international bench and delves into the experiences of prominent women from the inte...
The founding mother of the ICC: Interview with Silvia Fernández
Throughout her careers, plural,Silvia Fernández, lawyer, diplomat, and judge. And of course, former president of the ICC. Has gone through many shocks and tribulations associated with being a woman on the international bench.But these did not deter her. And in fact, push her to fight for more representation in international courts. On this episode of women in international justice, Sylvia Fernandez, Discusses her experiences and her hopes for the future. With professors, Andrew Clapham and Neus Torbisco Cassals.
Irene Khan on intersectional rights for women
On this episode of Women in International Justice, UN special rapporteur Irene Khan reflects on her experiences as a woman in the various spheres of international justice. From the women who inspired her throughout the journey to the ways she hopes to help future generations of women Irene Khan gives us a new perspective on women's rights, intersectionality, and the battles still to come. Go to for more information on the lecture series
Teaching to make the best choices: Interview with Gabrielle Kaufmann Kohler
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler is the immediate past President and now Honorary President of ICCA, the International Council for Commercial Arbitration. She practices international commercial, investment and sports arbitration and has acted in over 220 international arbitrations, mainly as arbitrator. In this episode of Women In International Justice she shares her experiences as a woman in this international system and even shows how we can work to make it more inclusive.
Interview with Judge Francoise Tulkens - Justice and Diversity for the future
On this episode of Women in International Justice, Judge Francoise Tulkens shares the memories of her first steps in the European Court of Human Rights. The doubts that plagued her colleagues, the people who inspired her and her thoughts on the future of the international Judiciary system. Inspired by the words of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Judge Tulkens gives us a fascinating take on diversity, what it really means, and, more importantly what it can bring to the legitimacy of courts. Find out more about diversity on the international bench here:
Introducing the Women In International Justice Podcast
The Diversity on the international bench podcast delves into the experiences of prominent women from the international judiciary, exploring the complexity of the system as well as women’s places within it. Building on the public lecture series titled “Women’s Voices in the International Judiciary”, organized by the Albert Hirschman centre for democracy, each episode will focus on the guests individual career and opinions. Listen, as women share their stories and uncover the inner workings of the international judiciary system.Find the lecture series here: Andrew Clapham & Neus Torbisco CasalsMusic via: Dexter Britain - Do What You Are Doing
The Women In International Justice podcast revolves around diversity on the international bench and delves into the experiences of prominent women from the international judiciary. Together we will explore the complexity of the system as well as women’s places within it. Building on the public lecture series titled “Women’s Voices in the International Judiciary”, organized by professors Neus Torbisco Casals and Andrew Clapham, each episode will focus on the guests individual career and opinions. Listen, as women share their stories and uncover the inner workings of the international judiciary system.