The Jerry Agar Show is the most opinionated show you will find on the planet. Jerry tackles all subjects with a no-nonsense approach that will keep you engaged...
Jim Richards joins the show for Party for Two to talk about the top stories of the day. Then, the Ford government's $200 tax rebate cheques are coming soon, what are you doing with the money? Then, Tiny homes arrive in Hamilton, which raises some questions. Plus, it's Friday which means Bob Reid is here for Touchdowns and Fumbles!
The truth about elevator downtime
Jerry opens the show commenting on smaller political parties' presence in political debates. Then, would a mandatory national service help Canada? Then, Derek Moorse of HalBrant Elevator Services, reveals the truth about elevator downtime. Plus, 5 students face charges over a "To catch a Predator" stunt gone wrong.
The Blacklocks Report with Tom Korski
Mark Towhey joins the show for Party for Two to discuss the top stories of the day. Then, this Toronto bar faces a 60-day liquor licence suspension following the death of a patron. Plus, it's Thursday which means Tom Korski is here for the Blacklocks Report. Then, Martyn Burke discusses his experience in the California wildfires.
TDSB spends millions on paid leave
Jerry disputes "Canada is not for sale." Then, the TDSB has spent tens of millions of dollars putting school staff on paid leave, Mark Mendelson weighs in on the investigative process. Then, Tasha Kheiriddin discusses how Trump's tariffs could divide Canada.
Dynamic pricing in grocery stores
Thousands of Canadians have died while on healthcare wait lists since 2018. Then, Vass Bednar comments on how dynamic pricing at grocery stores could make budgeting more difficult. Plus, Dan Kelly from CFIB weighs in on the tax holiday now that we are one month in.
The Jerry Agar Show is the most opinionated show you will find on the planet. Jerry tackles all subjects with a no-nonsense approach that will keep you engaged and entertained.