Tales of supernatural suspense written and produced by Soren Narnia.
The text of these stories is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sha...
A youthful lark across the states takes a man into the heart of an awful anomaly. Music: “Outside Your Grace” by Denhollander, all rights reserved. All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written, produced, and edited by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' 'Garden of Terrible Blooms,' and others. Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; other original short audio stories plus narrations of some classics by well-known authors; and most recently, a new recording of the story 'possession'.
Carried by Beasts
Opening statements in what would come to be considered one of the strangest trials in the history of New York state. Jessica Holt-Ivers: Emma Fradd All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written, produced, and edited by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' 'Garden of Terrible Blooms,' and others. Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; and other original short audio stories plus narrations of some classics by well-known authors.
When two colleagues in crime come together again after years apart, one reveals a looming threat more awful than incarceration… or even capital punishment. Music: “Soft Lights” by Kyle Preston and “Turn for the Worse” by Jordan Hatfield, all rights reserved. All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others. Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; and other original short audio stories plus narrations of some classic ones. Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
A dark October country road, a driver, a hitchhiker... and a strange, strange story told across cold, lonely miles. All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others. Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; other original short audio stories and narrations of some classic ones; and most recently, Soren's recitation of eleven dark and disturbing poems by great writers. P.S. Counterweight Theatre Lab in Colorado Springs is adapting the Knifepoint Horror story 'The Copper Cup' for the stage next month... the details are at https://www.counterweighttheatre.com/current-upcoming.
An educator's watch of the winter skies sets him in anxious motion to shelter the innocent. Music: “Cicada Killer” by idokay, “The Heir” by Emmanuel Jacob, “Meeting the Goddess” by Kyle Preston. All rights reserved. Interview with Ila Patton, Galax, Virginia, from the Blue Ridge Parkway Folklife Project collection (AFC 1982/009), American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others. Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Tales of supernatural suspense written and produced by Soren Narnia.
The text of these stories is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Also by the author: the podcast 'Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten.'