Husband and wife duo Jordan and Milena Ciciotti take you on a raw and unfiltered journey through their lives as followers of Jesus and parents of four littles. ...
Hey friends! This episode is certainly different from our traditional content, but we had an absolute blast hearing from JT and his journey in pursuing the deeper things of the Lord! There comes a point in every serious Christian's walk where they have to examine what they've been taught (at one point or another in their life) and go back into the Scriptures to see what the Bible actually says. We all come to the Bible with certain biases, traditional positions, or presuppositions. Do not shy away from the Holy Spirit's prompting when this happens! Instead, lean into the wrestling and pray for wisdom and discernment as you seek out God's Truth. Show JT some love and follow him on Instagram, subscribe to him on YouTube, and subscribe to his audio podcast wherever you listen to podcasts!See for privacy information.
Pregnancy After Miscarriage
Join us as we share our experience of how the Lord brought us through the valley of miscarriage into the gift of child-bearing once again. We know so many people who have experienced multiple miscarriages in a row and feel beyond discouraged and defeated by the repetition of grief. Can we encourage you to continue in your patient long-suffering and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Despite the worst of circumstances, He loves you and is working all things for your good and His glory--even the anguish of miscarriage. We pray this episode blesses you to fight on and keep the faith! There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Hold on.See for privacy information.
What The Lord Is Currently Teaching Us
Welcome back, fam! In this week’s episode we’re switching things up a little… Join us as we sit down to share what God is currently teaching us through our personal Bible readings, group studies, and devotional time. While Jordan has been diving deep into the book of Genesis with a group of men from church, Milena has been reading both the Old and New Testaments, unpacking powerful connections between the two. We hope you enjoy this causal conversation as we discuss the beauty of God’s Word and how these personal revelations are shaping our faith for the better!See for privacy information.
When Your Spouse Feels Like A Roommate…
What happens when the honeymoon phase wears off? What do we do when the person we married becomes just someone we live with? In marriage, we can often find ourselves choosing convenience over covenant— meaning we get so caught up in our everyday life that we neglect the very person we vowed to give our everything. In this episode we share 7 ways to help spouses get OUT of the roommate stage ASAP! After having another baby, moving, and trying to keep up with it all, we found ourselves in the “roommate phase”. These 7 practical steps are what we implemented to help us get to a healthy, thriving, God-honoring marriage once again. We pray this episode is a blessing and encouragement to those who need it!See for privacy information.
Family, Deconstructionism, and Doubt with Pastor Craig Groeschel
Is there a healthy way to "deconstruct" your faith? How can we best lead our children to follow the Lord, although it is ultimately their own decision? In this week's episode no topic is off the table as we speak with Husband, Father of 6, Pastor, and Author, Craig Groeschel. From prioritizing your marriage and raising children who follow Jesus, to wrestling with why our prayers may go unanswered, Pastor Craig has sound, biblical wisdom for it all. In his latest book, "The Benefit of Doubt", Craig Groeschel shares stories from his life and the Bible to teach us that doubts don’t have to take us away from God; instead, our doubts can actually draw us closer to God. "The Benefit of Doubt" will be released on February 18th - learn more and pre-order a copy here: See for privacy information.
Husband and wife duo Jordan and Milena Ciciotti take you on a raw and unfiltered journey through their lives as followers of Jesus and parents of four littles. Whether they are sharing truth and Biblical wisdom, giving relationship advice, or telling funny stories of their dogs, Jordan and Milena seek to exist as a platform for encouragement, love, and support for all who listen.