Overwhelmed at the thought of reading the Bible? New to the idea? Or looking to get more out of it?
Spend time each day hearing from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel as t...
Psalm 11:1–7, Matthew 13:36–58, Genesis 38:1–39:23
Relationships are our most valuable possession. But there is one special relationship for which you were created. This is the most valuable pearl of all. It is worth selling ‘everything’ in order to get hold of it.
Day 18: Your Kingdom Come
Psalm 10:12–18, Matthew 13:18–35, Genesis 36:1–37:36
Jesus taught us to pray, 'Your *kingdom* come' (Matthew 6:10). The kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God.
Day 17: Five Ways to Fulfil Your Potential
Psalm 10:1–11, Matthew 12:46–13:17, Genesis 34:1–35:29
Jesus warns that although there is great *potential* in each of us, there are *pitfalls* ahead. How can you avoid the pitfalls and fulfil your potential?
Day 16: The Overflow of the Heart
Proverbs 2:1–11, Matthew 12:22–45, Genesis 32:1–33:20
How do you store up good things in your heart?
Day 15: God is Just and God is Merciful
Psalm 9:13–20, Matthew 12:1–21, Genesis 31:1–55
Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, God is both just and merciful.
About The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel Classic
Overwhelmed at the thought of reading the Bible? New to the idea? Or looking to get more out of it?
Spend time each day hearing from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel as they take you through the whole Bible in 365 days and help you to understand it better.
Drawing out a theme for each day from the designated Bible readings, Nicky and Pippa’s thoughts on the Proverbs, Psalms and New and Old Testament excerpts are full of insight, wisdom and application.
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