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GOVSI podkast

Podcast GOVSI podkast
Urad vlade za komuniciranje
Vlada Slovenije z GOVSI podkastom širi ustaljene načine obveščanja in komuniciranja z javnostjo ter krepi transparentnost vladnega delovanja. Vladni podkast je ...

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5 of 18
  • Prva čezmejna prestolnica kulture
    V novi epizodi vladnega podkasta GOVSI predstavljamo evropsko prestolnico kulture 2025, Novo Gorico, ki je k sodelovanju povabila čezmejno Gorico. Z direktorico GO! 2025, gospo Mijo Lorbek, in programskim direktorjem, dr. Stojanom Pelkom, se je pogovarjala mag. Polona Prešeren. Na slovenski kulturni praznik, 8. februarja, bosta Nova Gorica in Gorica z umetniškim spektaklom, ki bo vrhunec celodnevnega dogajanja, začeli pripovedovati zgodbo 'Gremo čezmejno'/Go Borderless.  S sogovornikoma smo se pogovarjali o prehojeni poti Nove Gorice, ki se je začela leta 2016 začela z idejo, ki sta jo podala Neda Rusjan Bric, danes režiserka otvoritvene slovesnosti, in takratni župan Nove Gorice, Matej Arčon, danes minister. Predlagala sta, da bi bila slovenska prestolnica kulture malce drugačna, in sicer da bi povedala zgodbo čezmejnosti, ki je v tem prostoru tlela že nekaj časa. Čezmejnost je za ta prostor avtentična in izhaja iz zgodovine. Da bi jo osvetlili, je slovenska Nova Gorica k skupni kandidaturi povabilo italijansko Gorico, kar se je izkazalo za zmagovalno kombinacijo. Projekt predstavlja velik korak na poti uresničitve ambicioznega cilja, da mesti in družbi premagata fizične in mentalne meje. Vabljeni k poslušanju na vaši priljubljeni platformi in ogledu! [ENGLISH VERSION]First cross-border capital of culture In the latest episode of the government podcast GOVSI, we present the European Capital of Culture 2025, Nova Gorica, which has invited the cross-border city of Gorizia to cooperate. Polona Prešeren spoke with the director of GO! 2025, Ms. Mija Lorbek, and the program director, Dr. Stojan Pelko. On Slovenian Cultural Holyday, February 8, Nova Gorica and Gorizia will launch the story "Go Cross-Border" with an artistic spectacle – the highlight of a full day of events. We discussed with our guests the journey of Nova Gorica, which began in 2016 with an idea proposed by Neda Rusjan Bric, now the director of the opening ceremony, and Matej Arčon, then the mayor of Nova Gorica and now a minister. They suggested that Slovenia’s Capital of Culture should be something different – a reflection of cross-border identity, which had long been present in this space. Cross-border cooperation is authentic to this region and rooted in its history. To highlight this, Nova Gorica invited the Italian city of Gorizia to join in a shared bid, which proved to be a winning combination. The European Capital of Culture project therefore is a major step toward achieving an ambitious goal: overcoming physical and mental boundaries between the two cities and two communities. Tune in on your favourite platform to listen or watch and enjoy the experience! 
  • Z majhnimi koraki do velikih sprememb
    V prvi letošnji epizodi vladnega podkasta GOVSI ministrica za zdravje dr. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel predstavlja sveže potrjeno novelo zakona za prenovo zdravstvenega sistema. Osrednja tema so izboljšave, ki zagotavljajo boljšo dostopnost do zdravstvenih storitev, višjo kakovost obravnave za paciente ter stabilnost in finančno vzdržnost javnega zdravstva. Ministrica pojasnjuje, kako nova zakonodaja uvaja pravičnejše nagrajevanje zdravstvenega osebja, jasnejšo ureditev javne zdravstvene mreže in učinkovitejše upravljanje čakalnih vrst.Voditeljica Petra Bezjak Cirman z gostjo razpravlja o prizadevanjih za večjo motivacijo zdravnikov, regulaciji dela v javnem in zasebnem sektorju ter o zagotavljanju dolgoročne kakovosti in varnosti v zdravstvenem sistemu. Nova epizoda ponuja poglobljen vpogled v spremembe, ki vplivajo na vse prebivalce Slovenije.Vabljeni k poslušanju na vaši priljubljeni platformi in ogledu![ENGLISH VERSION]Small Steps Lead to Big ChangesIn the first episode of this year’s GovSI podcast, the Minister of Health, Dr. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, discusses the recently approved amendment to the healthcare system reform act.The main focus is on improvements ensuring better access to healthcare services, higher quality patient care, and the stability and financial sustainability of public healthcare. The Minister explains how the new legislation introduces fairer compensation for healthcare workers, clearer regulation of the public healthcare network, and more effective management of waiting times.Host Petra Bezjak Cirman and her guest delve into efforts to enhance the motivation of doctors, regulate work in the public and private sectors, and ensure long-term quality and safety within the healthcare system. This new episode offers an in-depth look at reforms affecting all Slovenian citizens.You are invited to watch and tune in on your favorite platform! 
  • S Sursom do boljših odločitev in smeha
    V novi epizodi vladnega podkasta GOVSI, ki ga je vodila Petra Bezjak Cirman , smo se poglobili v svet statistike z gostom Apolonijo Oblak Flander , generalnim direktorjem Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije (SURS), in Martinom Bajželjem , vodjo sektorja za objavo podatkov in komuniciranje. Govorili so o pomenu statistike za vsakdanje odločitve, vodenje družbe in razvoj gospodarstva. Statistika je pogosto napačno razumljena kot suhoparno obdelovanje števila. A kot sta poudarjena gosta, predstavlja osrednje orodje za razumevanje družbenih in gospodarskih tokov. »Država brez statistike ne more delovati,« je izpostavila Oblak Flander. Podatki, ki jih SURS zagotavlja, zagotavlja podjetjem, prebivalcem in državam sprejema predmišljene odločitve. Od oblikovanja turistične strategije do spremljanja demografskih sprememb – statistika je vtkana v vse ravni družbenega delovanja.V oddaji so spregovorili tudi o prisotnosti Sursa na družbenih omrežjih. Da bi okrepili zanimanje javnosti za podatke, se je na svojih profilih razvil edinstven pristop, ki združuje strokovnost v humorju. Bajželj je razkril, da je tako prvič posegel po bolj sproščeni komunikaciji leta 2013 med evropskim prvenstvom v košarki. Odličen odziv jih je spodbudil, da podatke danes pogosto predstavljajo na zabaven in kreativen način. »Naš cilj je podatke narediti dostopne in zanimive tudi tistim, ki se sicer ne uporabljajo,« je še poudaril.Vabljeni k poslušanju in ogledu podkasta. [ANGLEŠKA RAZLIČICA] Making Better Decisions and Finding Humor - with statisticsIn the new episode of the government GOVSI podcast, hosted by Petra Bezjak Cirman, we delved into the world of statistics with guests Apolonija Oblak Flander, Director-General of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS), and Martin Bajželj, Head of the Data Publishing and Communication Sector. They discussed the importance of statistics for everyday decision-making, societal governance, and economic development.Statistics are often mistakenly perceived as dry number crunching. However, as the guests emphasized, it is a key tool for understanding social and economic trends. »A state cannot function without statistics,« highlighted Oblak Flander. The data provided by SURS enable businesses, residents, and the government to make informed decisions. From shaping tourism strategies to monitoring demographic changes—statistics are embedded in all levels of societal functioning.The episode also touched on the SURS's presence on social media. To enhance public interest in data, they have developed a unique approach on their profiles, combining professionalism with humor. Bajželj revealed that they first adopted a more relaxed communication style in 2013 during the European Basketball Championship. The excellent response encouraged them to often present data in a fun and creative way today. »Our goal is to make data accessible and interesting even to those who don’t typically use it,« he added.You are invited to listen and watch the episode.
  • Govsi podkast: O delavskih pravicah in inšpektoratu za delo
    V najnovejši, že 15. epizodi podkasta GOVSI, je gostja glavna inšpektorica Inšpektorata za delo, Katja Čoh Kragolnik. Voditelj Zoran Potič je z njo razpravljal o aktualnih vprašanjih delavskih pravic, zakonodaje ter vlogi inšpektorata v praksi. V Sloveniji imamo trenutno rekordno nizko brezposelnost in skoraj milijon zaposlenih, je glavna inšpektorica Čoh Kragolnik poudarila, da nizka brezposelnost ne pomeni nujno manjšega števila kršitev delavskih pravic. Med najpogostejšimi kršitvami je izpostavila neizplačilo plač, regresa in odpravnin, nepravilnosti pri odpovedih pogodb ter kršitve na področju varnosti in zdravja pri delu. V pogovoru se dotakneta tudi nove zakonodaje, kot je pravica do odklopa, in odprtih vprašanj v zvezi z beleženjem delovnega časa, kjer se soočajo s sistematičnimi kršitvami. Katja Čoh Kragolnik je predstavila tudi delovanje skupine inšpektorjev za hitro odzivanje, ki se osredotoča na najbolj pereče primere kršitev. Poudarila je, da so delavci v Sloveniji enako zaščiteni, ne glede na državljanstvo, vendar opozorila na poskuse obvoda zakonodaje pri zaposlovanju delavcev iz tretjih držav. V podkastu je glavna inšpektorica odgovorila tudi na nekaj konkretnih vprašanj, zastavljenih prek vladnih profilov na socialnih omrežjih. Vabljeni k poslušanju in ogledu epizode. [ENGLISH VERSION] Gov.si Podcast: On Workers’ Rights and the Labor Inspectorate In the latest, 15th episode of the GOVSI podcast, the guest is the Chief Labor Inspector, Katja Čoh Kragolnik. Host Zoran Potič discussed pressing issues surrounding workers’ rights, legislation, and the practical role of the Labor Inspectorate with her. While Slovenia currently boasts a record-low unemployment rate and nearly one million employed individuals, Chief Inspector Čoh Kragolnik emphasized that low unemployment does not necessarily mean fewer violations of workers’ rights. Among the most common violations, she highlighted non-payment of wages, holiday allowances, and severance payments, irregularities in contract terminations, and breaches of occupational health and safety regulations. The conversation also touched upon new legislation, such as the right to disconnect, and unresolved issues related to recording working hours, where systematic violations are being observed. Katja Čoh Kragolnik also introduced the operations of the rapid-response inspector team, which focuses on the most pressing cases of violations. She stressed that workers in Slovenia are equally protected regardless of their citizenship but pointed out attempts to circumvent legislation when employing workers from third countries. In the podcast, the Chief Inspector also addressed specific questions posed through government social media profiles. You are invited to listen and watch the episode.   
  • Peter Pogačar: Prenova plačnega sistema je prvi korak do učinkovitega javnega sektorja
     Državni zbor je včeraj potrdil zakon o plačnem sistemu v javnem sektorju. Glavne spremembe vključujejo postopno zviševanje plač, prilagoditve pri napredovanjih in ukrepe za večjo privlačnost javnega sektorja za iskalce zaposlitve.Kot poudarja Peter Pogačar, generalni direktor Direktorata za javni sektor na Ministrstvu za javno upravo in član vladne pogajalske skupine, je posebej pomembno, da nihče v javnem sektorju ne bo več prejemal osnovne plače, nižje od minimalne.Naš cilj je ustvariti sodoben in učinkovit javni sektor, ki bo služil prebivalcem. Ureditev plač je pomemben, a šele prvi korak do uresničitve tega cilja, pove Pogačar. Vabljeni k poslušanju in gledanju nove epizode podkasta GOVSI.  (ENGLISH VERSION) The National Assembly approved the law on the public sector pay system yesterday. This marks the most significant reform in this area over the past 15 years. The main changes include gradual pay increases, adjustments in advancement procedures, and measures to make the public sector more attractive to job seekers. As Peter Pogačar, Director General of the Public Sector Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration and a member of the government negotiating team, highlighted in the latest episode of the GOVSI podcast, it is also crucial that no one in the public sector will receive a base salary below the minimum wage."Our goal is a modern and efficient public sector, a modern and effective service for residents. While orderly pay is undoubtedly an important step," Pogačar emphasizes, "this is only the first in a series of many steps ahead."We invite you to listen and watch. 

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About GOVSI podkast

Vlada Slovenije z GOVSI podkastom širi ustaljene načine obveščanja in komuniciranja z javnostjo ter krepi transparentnost vladnega delovanja. Vladni podkast je namenjen poglobljeni predstavitvi vladnih vsebin ter drugih aktualnih in družbeno pomembnih tematik. Poleg bolj neposrednega stika z javnostjo daje tudi prostor za dodatno in temeljito pojasnjevanje vladnih odločitev, načrtov, politik ali pogledov.Podkast v celoti nastaja v produkciji in v prostorih Urada vlade za komuniciranje (Ukom). Imel bo več voditeljev, predvidoma bosta objavljeni po dve novi epizodi na mesec.V podkastu predstavljamo aktualne vladne teme ter posebne projektne vsebine, kot je 20. obletnica članstva v EU. Predstavljamo tudi nacionalno znamko I Feel Slovenija. Glasba: Kapagama [ SACEM ], Kosinus, Margot Cavalier,  Advance [ENGLISH VERSION]  With the GOVSI podcast, the Government of Slovenia is expanding the established ways of informing and communicating with the public and enhancing the transparency of government activities. The Government Podcast is designed to provide an in-depth presentation of government content and other topical and socially relevant issues. In addition to more direct contact with the public, it also provides a space for additional and in-depth explanation of government decisions, plans, policies or views.The podcast is entirely produced and hosted by the Government Communications Office (GCO) and will have several presenters, with two new episodes per month.We focus on current government topics and special project content, such as the 20th anniversary of EU membership. We also present the national brand I Feel Slovenia.Music:  Kapagama [ SACEM ], Kosinus, Margot Cavalier,  Advance 
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