Rose City Politics is a weekly, hour-long show focused on the movers-and-shakers affecting the political scene. Municipal politics is the emphasis when you join...
Frazier, Kristen, & Jon hold the panel together as we discuss Windsor being on track to surpass housing targets for a cash grab, a comms shakeup at cityhall, the cost of the hospital hack and not paying the ransom, Tecumseh getting money to basically double their housing & Lakeshore allowing fourplexes, Windsor pizza named number one, and Windsor's goose population NEEDS dealing with.
Sorry, Gary
Doug, Jon and Frazier talk about the Mayor's comments on allegations against the chief of Police, library staff speaking out about violence and harrasment downtown, an encampment near the Legacy Beacon Streetcar, and the federal government identifying surplus federal property for affordable housing.Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show at Read our stuff in Biz X Magazine or online at and
Doug, Cut the Tape!
Full house this time as Don, Frazier, Jon, Kristen and Doug discuss changes to rules around supervised consumption sites in Ontario, the impact on SafePoint in Windsor, municipalities in Ontario request a housing and addictions minister, and Active Transit Windsor-Essex's report on their public consultation.Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show at Read out stuff in Biz X Magazine and online at and
Curler Murals
Frazier, Kristen and Doug talk a little about the change in hours at the Windsor Public Library, then riff on public art in the community. It's a summer show.Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show at Read our stuff in Biz X Magazine or online at and
We're Cheap and, In Theory, We're a City
Full house as Jon, Don, Frazier, Kristen and Doug talk about a ray of hope for University Players, a county satisfaction survey about TWEPI and IWE, and MacLeans magazine taking note of Windsor as one of Canada's best affordable cities.Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show at and read our stuff in Biz X Magazine.
Rose City Politics is a weekly, hour-long show focused on the movers-and-shakers affecting the political scene. Municipal politics is the emphasis when you join panelists Kieran McKenzie, Paul Synnott, Pat Papadeas, Mark Boscariol, Don Merrifield and Doug Sartori as they dissect, debate, educate and inform on political happenings in Windsor and Essex County.