#12070 Why Do Catholics Believe Tradition Is Divinely Inspired? Plus More - Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin dives into big questions on Cain’s fear of others in Genesis, Catholic tradition vs. Sola Scriptura and many more questions!…
#12069 Does Attending a Chaldean or Melkite Liturgy Fulfill My Sunday Obligation? - Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin tackles fascinating Catholic questions, from Sunday obligation at Eastern liturgies to Eucharistic reverence, and the best Bible translation.…
#12068 Why Can’t Non-Catholics Receive Communion in the Catholic Church? - Tim Staples
Tim Staples tackles tough questions from non-Catholics, covering topics like bad popes, and why non-Catholics can't receive Communion.…
#12067 Why Confess to a Priest Instead of Going Straight to God? - Tim Staples
Tim Staples answers questions from non-Catholics, tackling key topics like why Catholics confess to a priest instead of going straight to God, and much more…
#12066 Is Marijuana Addictive? What to Do When a Loved One Refuses to Quit - Scott Weeman
Scott Weeman discusses Catholic in Recovery, the 12-step model, and support for those battling addiction, include marijuana’s impact and family struggles…