#12044 Why Don’t You Think Catholicism Makes Sense? - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
13:52 – It doesn’t make sense to me why some people hear God in their prayers and others don’t?
19:38 – How is it that Protestants seem to experience the fruits of the faith, but without the sacrifices that Catholics do?
30:01 – As Catholics, we agree that we’ll probably be in Purgatory before going to Heaven. The Bible says that Jesus at the Second Coming will take everyone with him. Does that mean they’ll skip out on Purgatory?
35:33 – A Protestant friend wonders if we’re defecating or disgracing the Eucharist when we receive it?
43:00 – I want to know how does Dr. Broussard decides when his interpretation of scripture is a maybe/what if and how does he know when God’s Will is definitive?
#12043 Why Don’t You Think Catholicism Makes Sense? - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
05:53 – Catholic, married Methodist. He has a divorce; they have a civil marriage. I’m told I need to get an annulment. Why is this?
12:20 – I’m not Catholic; why does the Catholic church believe/profess the doctrine of Transubstantiation?
20:11 – I come across a lot of Protestants who have trouble with perpetual virginity of Mary. Who is James (“brother of Jesus”) in Gal 1:19; is he one of the 12 apostles?
29:40 – Is the celebration of the Eucharist/the Real Presence greater than the miracle of the Last Supper?
33:58 – It doesn’t make sense to me that John the Baptist is described as “the spirit of Elijah’, whereas the prophecy makes it seem as if Elijah was to come back?
41:19 – I’m Catholic, but I’m interested in Orthodoxy. Some of their claims seem to have weight. How can the Church change its position on topics?
47:37 – Where do we get the idea/doctrine of indulgences?
#12042 AMA - Tom Nash
Questions Covered:
03:09 – How do you compare Ephesians 2:8-9 to James 2:17?
06:43 – What is the church’s social teaching on immigration and treatment of immigrants?
17:00 – Why do we presume a valid Baptism for Protestants coming into the Catholic church?
21:37 – What is Opus Dei?
29:20 – It seems Mary’s condition of the Immaculate Conception helped her be sinless. Does this mean that children conceived sinfully are more prone to sin?
33:02 – What is the difference between presence and substance?
42:58 – How should we discern God’s wants you to use words, action, or prayer?
47: 52 – Where did the practice of folding hands or interlocking fingers come from?
51:30 – Why at Mass do we say “until you come again” right after the consecration?
#12031 Not Just Spiritual - Christine Flynn
Questions covered:
6:21 – Why did you become Catholic instead of some other denomination?
29:46 – How did you arrive at your beliefs pre-conversion?
35:47 – How did you change your mind about Christianity not working for society?
42:36 – What came first for you: believing in the teachings of the Bible and the Church, or the sense of a personal relationship with Jesus?
46:05 – I experienced the same thing as Christine did with dreams coming true. What is that?
48:20 – Were there any Catholic dogmas that were particularly hard for you to accept?
#12040 AMA: Prayer, Free Will, and Church Traditions - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
11:44 – Is there a difference when you pray for specifics like for a job vs when praying in general like the Our Father?
23:26 – How can you tell the difference between a demonic manifestation and a soul in purgatory who needs prayers?
23: 33 – Is it true that the first bible came from Ethiopia?
28:47 – If God is all knowing, do we really have free will?
37:24 – How do I respond to the objection that Mary had a painless childbirth but yet still experienced death meaning that she was not sinless.
45:50 – Is it necessary to have sacramentals be blessed by a priest?
48:17 – What is the official language of the Church? What was the process of marriage in the 1st century Holy Land?
52:45 – What era did the Church rule that priests could not be married?
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