Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose own stint in federal prison offers a unique viewpoint as host...
Leroy Ebron, a former Rikers Island corrections officer, returns for his 5th appearance on the show to share more insights into life inside one of the most notorious jails in the country. He explains the creative and shocking ways inmates hide weapons and recounts the most unforgettable stabbing incident he ever witnessed during his time as a guard. Leroy also reveals how commissary items like beef jerky are used in unexpected ways. This episode offers a raw look at the dangers and survival tactics of life at Rikers Island.
#RikersIsland #PrisonLife #leroyebron #PrisonStabbings #CommissaryHustles #TrueCrimeStories #CorrectionsOfficer #PrisonSurvival
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Watch old episodes of Leroy Here:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Leroy Returns: Filming Hilarious Skits, Mike Tyson & Ric Flair
00:03:54 King Tut's Return and Gratitude Shoutouts
00:06:53 Shoutouts and Gratitude
00:08:16 Navigating Trust Issues as a Newcomer
00:10:45 Prison Life: A City Within a City
00:13:29 Surviving the Harsh Reality of Prison Life
00:16:03 Best Digital Picture Frame for the Holidays
00:18:41 Unexpected Jail Search Techniques
00:21:48 Tensions Rise Among Inmates
00:24:19 Confrontation and a Deadly Decision
00:27:22 A Visit to the Clinic and Overcoming Shock
00:30:13 Monkey Man's Sentencing and Prison Life
00:33:09 Reflecting on Consequences: A Life Lesson from "Monkey Man"
00:35:59 Unexpected Encounters and Cultural Surprises
00:39:11 Unexpected Prison Encounter
00:42:08 The Art of Melting Beef Sticks
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Ex Bandido Exposes the BRUTAL Truth About 1% Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs | Brandon Hantz
Brandon Hantz, a former Bandido who is now "out bad," joins us to share his story of life inside one of the most well-known 1% outlaw motorcycle clubs. With very few interviews featuring former members of the Bandidos, Brandon offers a rare glimpse into the rules, structure, and challenges that come with the patch. From the strict brotherhood to the realities of leaving the club, he discusses the reasons behind his exit, the challenges of being "out bad," and the impact it has had on his life. This episode provides a unique look into the world of outlaw motorcycle clubs and what it means to live by the 1% lifestyle.
#OutlawMotorcycleClubs #BandidosMC #1PercenterClubs #MotorcycleClubStories #LifeOfAnOutlaw #TrueCrimeRevealed #BikerLifeUncovered #MCBrotherhood
Thank you to AURA FRAMES for sponsoring today’s episode:
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Hoodoo Brown BBQ
00:04:31 Growing Up in Texas: A Culinary Journey
00:08:35 Struggles with Identity and Family Expectations
00:13:09 The Perfect Holiday Gift: Aura Frames
00:18:10 The Search for Inner Peace Despite Success
00:23:59 Transition from Gang Life to Biker Lifestyle
00:27:27 Betrayal Within Brotherhoods
00:32:02 Reflection on Brotherhood and Betrayal
00:36:23 Reflecting on a Wartime Mindset
00:40:54 A Tense Stand-off and Unexpected Alliances
00:45:53 Balancing Family and Faith
00:50:00 The Reality of Motorcycle Clubs
00:54:21 The Hypocrisy in Preaching
00:58:51 The Reality of Quitting a Club
01:04:59 Life Lessons from Survivor Experiences
01:08:39 Life After Leaving the Club
01:12:43 Farewell and Final Wishes
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Ex-White Supremacist Prison Gang Yard Rep Reveals Life Inside Arkansas Supermax | Michael Ballard
Michael Ballard, a former yard rep for a white supremacist prison gang, shares his story of life inside Arkansas supermax prisons. In this interview, Michael talks about his role within the gang, the brutal realities of prison life, and the choices that led him down this path. He also opens up about the challenges of leaving that world behind and the lessons he has taken from his time in the system.
#PrisonGangLife #SupermaxPrison #ArkansasPrisons #PrisonSurvival #GangCulture #LifeBehindBars #TrueCrimeInterview #BreakingFreeFromGangs
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Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Introduction: Locked In Podcast with Michael
00:03:33 Family Dynamics and Parental Relationships
00:07:21 Family Struggles and Support
00:11:12 First Time in a Punishment Facility
00:15:10 Surviving in a Prison Environment
00:18:52 Breaking Point: Losing Everything in California
00:22:50 Impact of Solitary Confinement on Mental Health
00:26:43 Life Inside the Barracks: Open Protocols and Safety Concerns
00:30:46 Life in Supermax: Isolation and Mental Torture
00:34:32 The Role of Elders and Respect in the Group
00:38:13 Life in Supermax: Isolation and its Challenges
00:42:37 Usage and Methods in Prison
00:46:44 The Dilemma of Prison Locks and Violence
00:50:44 Life After Prison: Struggles and Reflections
00:55:40 Navigating Post-Prison Challenges
00:59:56 Making Amends After Prison
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Creative direction, design, assets, support by FWRD:
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I Lived It: My Family & I Were Charged With Drug Trafficking & Sent To Federal Prison | Megan Stewart
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RICO Charges as a Teenager: My 10-Year Sentence in Federal Prison | Porschetruckruk
PorscheTruckRuk shares his story of being charged with RICO as a teenager and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison. In this interview, he talks about the events that led to his arrest, the challenges of navigating the federal justice system at a young age, and what life was like behind bars. PorscheTruckRuk also reflects on the lessons he learned during his time in prison and how it shaped his future after release.
#RICOCharges #TeenIncarceration #FederalPrisonStory #PrisonSurvival #JusticeSystem #TrueCrimeJourney #LifeBehindBars #RICOActInsights
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Thank you to LUCY for sponsoring this episode:
Go to and use promo code IANBICK to get 20% off your first order. Lucy has a 30-day refund policy if you change your mind.
Hosted, Executive Produced & Edited By Ian Bick:
Presented by Tyson 2.0 & Wooooo Energy:
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00:00:00 Introduction with Porsche Truck Rock
00:04:11 Growing Up in Upstate New York
00:08:56 Lessons from My Father
00:13:24 Smuggling from New York to Vermont
00:18:23 Teenage Earnings: Making $50,000 a Month
00:22:58 The Day They Came for Me: A Personal Account of Arrest
00:27:20 Arrest and Court Proceedings
00:31:36 Navigating Prison Sentences and RICO Charges
00:35:50 First Time Experiences in Prison
00:40:35 Smuggling Phones and Battery Packs in Prison
00:44:36 Benefits of Being Closer to Home at Fort Dicks
00:49:04 Transition to Danbury and Prison Challenges
00:54:02 The Missing Water Jug Incident
00:59:02 Life After Prison: A New Beginning
01:02:21 Return to Fighting: Transition from Prison to the Ring
01:07:15 Live Freestyle Performance
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Creative direction, design, assets, support by FWRD:
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Listen to riveting life stories shared by a diverse array of individuals, guided by Ian Bick whose own stint in federal prison offers a unique viewpoint as host. In his captivating show, Ian connects with people from all walks of life, spanning former inmates, recovering addicts, law enforcement officers, legal experts, mental health specialists and those who've weathered traumatic experiences and failure. Through heartfelt dialogues, these resilient souls unveil their journeys, revealing the unyielding human spirit amid adversity. From confronting darkness to surmounting setbacks, their stories kindle hope, strength, and profound transformation, underscoring the limitless potential within each of us to overcome life's trials.