Lights Out Library helps you fall asleep with soothing stories across a diverse range of topics: science, history, mythology, astronomy, mystery, art and so muc...
Greek Myths: Orpheus and Eurydice, Jason and the Argonauts
In this new episode for bedtime, I tell you two great myths from Ancient Greece:• The Story of Orpheus, the legendary poet and musician, and how he tried to rescue his wife Eurydice from the realm of Hades and Persephone.• The Story of Jason and the Argonauts, who embarked on the Argo on an epic quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece.In these stories we will meet numerous gods and other beings, like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Athena, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite, Chiron the Centaur, Charon the Ferryman, Cerberus, Calliope the Muse, and Medea the Enchantress. Welcome to Lights Out LibraryJoin me for a sleepy adventure tonight. Sit back, relax, and fall asleep to documentary-style stories read in a calming voice. Learn something new while you enjoy a restful night of sleep.Listen ad free and get access to bonus content on our Patreon: on Youtube: ¿Quieres escuchar en Español? Echa un vistazo a La Biblioteca de los Sueños!En Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Youtube:
History of Carthage and the Phoenicians | History for Sleep
In this episode, I tell you about the history of the Phoenicians and their cities (Byblos, Tyre, Sidon...), including the most famous of all: Carthage. I discuss various topics, like the Late Bronze Age Collapse, Phoenician culture, religion, and society, what Canaan and the Levant are, how ancient maritime trade worked, the rise of Carthage and how the confrontation with Rome in the Punic Wars turned out. Welcome to Lights Out LibraryJoin me for a sleepy adventure tonight. Sit back, relax, and fall asleep to documentary-style stories read in a calming voice. Learn something new while you enjoy a restful night of sleep.Listen ad free and get access to bonus content on our Patreon: on Youtube: ¿Quieres escuchar en Español? Echa un vistazo a La Biblioteca de los Sueños!En Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Youtube:
Mystery of the Lost Legion | Historical Mystery for Sleep
The Ninth Legion (Legio IX Hispana, also sometimes called the "Lost Legion") had a long history. It served under the command of Julius Caesar during the First Century BC, on the side of Octavian in the civil war against Mark Antony and Cleopatra, and was sent to Spain, Germania, Pannonia, and Britain. In Roman Britain, it fought against rebellions, including the rebellion of Queen Boudica in which it narrowly avoided destruction. But its trace was lost in Northern England in the early Second Century AD, which is highly unusual for such an important unit at a time when the Roman Empire was in good shape overall. Was it destroyed in Britain by Celtic tribes, sent to the Netherlands, or did it disappear in a later conflict in Judea or Cappadocia? In this story, we examine the hypotheses and historical context, which provides a good opportunity to explore what Roman legions were, the conquest of Roman Britain, and other aspects of Roman history. Welcome to Lights Out LibraryJoin me for a sleepy adventure tonight. Sit back, relax, and fall asleep to documentary-style stories read in a calming voice. Learn something new while you enjoy a restful night of sleep.Listen ad free and get access to bonus content on our Patreon: on Youtube: ¿Quieres escuchar en Español? Echa un vistazo a La Biblioteca de los Sueños!En Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Youtube:
Space Cruise to Exoplanets | Sleepy Space Journey
This soft-spoken bedtime story is a journey to the discovery of exoplanets. We will visit some of them, like Proxima Centauri B, OTS 44 and Kepler 438b. I will also tell you about the different types of planets and stars, including stars that no longer shine like old white dwarfs or neutron stars; methods to discover planets that are invisible from Earth, like Transit Photometry or Doppler Spectroscopy; and astrobiology: the field of research that studies the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Timestamps00:00 Introduction05:31 The Search for Exoplanets Departure to Proxima Centauri B08:45 Transit Photometry11:27 Radial Velocity and Doppler Spectroscopy18:06 Other Exoplanets Search Methods20:53 Proxima Centauri B Visit and Stellar Wind25:20 Habitable Zone29:51 Departure to OTS44 and Typology of Planets38:58 Occurrence of the most common elements in the universe42:33 OTS 44 and Typology of Stars42:33 The Death of Stars, White Dwarfs, Supernovas, and Typology of Stars57:10 Kepler 438b, Astrobiology, and Panspermia1:08:03 Conclusion Welcome to Lights Out LibraryJoin me for a sleepy adventure tonight. Sit back, relax, and fall asleep to documentary-style stories read in a calming voice. Learn something new while you enjoy a restful night of sleep.Listen ad free and get access to bonus content on our Patreon: on Youtube: ¿Quieres escuchar en Español? Echa un vistazo a La Biblioteca de los Sueños!En Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Youtube:
Three Greek Myths: Perseus, Theseus and Prometheus | Mythology for Sleep
In these bedtime stories, I tell you three different myths from Ancient Greece:The story of Perseus, how he was conceived by Zeus and Danaë, went on an adventure to cut off the head of Medusa the Gorgon, and rescued Andromeda.The myth of the Labyrinth, built in Crete by Daedalus for King Minos to contain the Minotaur, and how Theseus slew it with the help of Ariadne.The myth of Prometheus, who stole the secret of fire to give it to mankind and was punished for it. Timestamps00:00 Introduction03:14 Perseus and Medusa33:23 Theseus and the Minotaur48:17 Prometheus Welcome to Lights Out LibraryJoin me for a sleepy adventure tonight. Sit back, relax, and fall asleep to documentary-style stories read in a calming voice. Learn something new while you enjoy a restful night of sleep.Listen ad free and get access to bonus content on our Patreon: on Youtube: ¿Quieres escuchar en Español? Echa un vistazo a La Biblioteca de los Sueños!En Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Youtube:
Lights Out Library helps you fall asleep with soothing stories across a diverse range of topics: science, history, mythology, astronomy, mystery, art and so much more. We make it possible to both calm and enrich your mind while you drift into dreamland. Please follow to support our work.
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