Engaging in conversations that bring Scripture to life, Susie Larson offers practical ways to live out your convictions and inspire you to a deep and active wal...
“Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) Dr. Lee Warren talks about how God makes things new in our lives and even in our bodies. Find Dr. Lee Warren's podcast here. Dr. Warren's book is “Hope Is the First Dose: A Treatment Plan for Recovering from Trauma, Tragedy, and Other Massive Things.” Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: click here
A Conversation About Life with Brant Hansen
Radio host Brant Hansen talks about life and ministry. Brant Hansen's books Life is Hard. God is Good. Lets Dance. Unoffendable Bible Study Guide Blessed Are the Misfits The Men We Need Past Conversations with Brant on Susie Larson Live Life is Hard. God is Good. Lets Dance. Unoffendable Bible Study Guide The Men We Need Brant mentions The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes Cure International Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: click here
Miracles that lead to salvation with Pastor Carolyn Haas
God is still a God of miracles. Each month Pastor Carolyn Haas joins Susie to study miracles in the Bible and share miracles from her own life and ministry. This episode they’re talking about Bible accounts and modern day accounts of miracles that led to people following God. Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: click here
Overcoming Loneliness with Becky Harling
There is an epidemic of loneliness, but you can cultivate deep connections. Becky Harling shares from her book, "Cultivating Deeper Connections in a Lonely World." Listen to the Rob Reimer "The Art of Apology" show here Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: click here
The Peace of God with Pastor Terry A. Smith
Shalom is more than the absence of of something, it's also about the presence of an abundance. Pastor Terry Smith shares from his book, "The Lord Give You Peace: A 28-Day Journey to Thrive in God's Shalom." Faith Radio podcasts are made possible by your support. Give now: click here
Engaging in conversations that bring Scripture to life, Susie Larson offers practical ways to live out your convictions and inspire you to a deep and active walk of faith.