Poet Major Jackson is your guide on the pathways to feel and understand our common journey – through poetry. In sharing poems, we take a moment to pause and ack...
Today’s poem is Gratitude by Patrick Dundon. The Slowdown is your daily poetry ritual. In this episode, Major writes… “Today’s poem puts us in touch with what it means to experience unadulterated joy, one that is owed to an exquisite contentment.” Celebrate the power of poems with a gift to The Slowdown today. Every donation makes a difference: https://tinyurl.com/rjm4synp
1310: Divinity School by Ariana Reines
Today’s poem is Divinity School by Ariana Reines. The Slowdown is your daily poetry ritual. In this episode, Major writes… “Some people visit the Caribbean and other warmer climes. I drove to a lamp store. Some people dine by a fireside hearth at their favorite restaurant. I drove to a lamp store. Some people . . . you get my point. Reading the headlines, I thought recently, of those seeking refuge, of those on the social, economic, and political margins. I thought about how maybe America is a lamp shop, a place where people believe in light and transformation, who believe becoming a part of its suburbs, revered institutions, and social rituals will allow them to be better human beings.” Celebrate the power of poems with a gift to The Slowdown today. Every donation makes a difference: https://tinyurl.com/rjm4synp
1309: 5 A.M. by Michael Ondaatje
Today’s poem is 5 A.M. by Michael Ondaatje. The Slowdown is your daily poetry ritual. In this episode, Major writes… “The nature of my youth was one in which my passion for art lived out in my passion for life. At times, there was a recklessness about it. Like Greg, Quraysh, and me spilling out of a Soho bar at first light, having debated literature and writers with a seriousness that felt like life mattered, truly mattered.” Celebrate the power of poems with a gift to The Slowdown today. Every donation makes a difference: https://tinyurl.com/rjm4synp
1308: Mother's Rules by Yalie Saweda Kamara
Today’s poem is Mother's Rules by Yalie Saweda Kamara. The Slowdown is your daily poetry ritual.In this episode, Major writes… “Today’s poem shows how we impossibly carry our parents’ voices well into our adulthood, a measure by which to shape our lives independent of their nurturance and instructions.” Celebrate the power of poems with a gift to The Slowdown today. Every donation makes a difference: https://tinyurl.com/rjm4synp
[encore] 1039: What Good Is Silence by Phuong T. Vuong
Today’s poem is What Good Is Silence by Phuong T. Vuong. The Slowdown is your daily poetry ritual. Our episode today is one of many from the archives. We’ll be back tomorrow with more new poetry and reflection! In this episode, Major writes… “Today’s poem illustrates returning to listening as a ventilation of the soul, sublimating the ego in the interest of interacting with more than just our thoughts.” Celebrate the power of poems with a gift to The Slowdown today. Every donation makes a difference: https://tinyurl.com/rjm4synp
Poet Major Jackson is your guide on the pathways to feel and understand our common journey – through poetry. In sharing poems, we take a moment to pause and acknowledge the world’s magnitude, and how poets illuminate that mystery. Join The Slowdown for a poem and a moment of reflection in one short episode, every weekday. Produced by APM Studios in partnership with The Poetry Foundation and supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
The Slowdown is your daily poetry ritual. Make us a part of your routine as you drink coffee in the morning, as you take a walk in nature, or as you wind down to go to sleep in the evening. With host Major Jackson, we collectively take a moment to calm, to inspire, to learn, and to engage with the best emerging poets and established writers of our time and generations past, from Emily Dickinson to Danez Smith, from Amanda Gorman to Mary Oliver.
Listen to our back catalog for episodes by our previous hosts, Tracy K. Smith and Ada Limón, as well as guest hosts Jenny Xie, Brenda Shaughnessy, Tina Chang, Nate Marshall, Shira Erlichiman, and Jason Schneiderman. Our hosts and production team select poems that move them, and we hope they move you, too.