Join Jessica Acevedo, the Executive Producer of Netflix’s explosive docu-series, Dancing For The Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, and Kailea Gray, marketing strategis...
In this episode, we sit down with the Haleys, creators of Stop Culting and Exposing 7M, and Katie Joy, creator of Without a Crystal Ball, to explore the dark world of Shekinah Church and 7M Films. The Haleys share their journeys of uncovering the manipulative practices of Robert Shinn and his church, while Katie discusses her personal connection to the Wilking family's story and her extensive work exposing high-control groups. Despite facing legal threats, harassment, and emotional tolls, all three remain dedicated to helping survivors and fighting for justice. Tune in for their powerful insights on the ongoing battle to expose cults and raise awareness about the dangers of manipulation and exploitation. Forgive Me For I Have Followed continues the exploration from Netflix’s hit Dancing for the Devil documentary series by delving deeper into the personal stories of those affected by Robert Shinn, Shekinah Church, and 7M Films. We will focus on the experiences of victims and their families, address urgent questions raised in the documentary, and gather insights from former members and dancers. Our goal is to uncover strategies for combating abuse and ensuring that controlling, cult-like communities are held accountable for their actions. *The following is based on actual events. Certain composite and representative materials and characters have been used for dramatic purposes. See for privacy information.
In this episode, investigative journalist Sarah Berman (Author of Don’t Call It a Cult: The Shocking Story of Keith Raniere and the Women of NXIVM) discusses her reporting on NXIVM and cults. She shares insights into the emotional and ethical challenges of working with survivors, the evolving language around cults, and offers advice on spotting red flags. Sarah also addresses the legal hurdles cults face and what needs to change to better protect victims and hold organizations accountable. Forgive Me For I Have Followed continues the exploration from Netflix’s hit Dancing for the Devil documentary series by delving deeper into the personal stories of those affected by Robert Shinn, Shekinah Church, and 7M Films. We will focus on the experiences of victims and their families, address urgent questions raised in the documentary, and gather insights from former members and dancers. Our goal is to uncover strategies for combating abuse and ensuring that controlling, cult-like communities are held accountable for their actions. *The following is based on actual events. Certain composite and representative materials and characters have been used for dramatic purposes.See for privacy information.
In this episode, we’re joined by Andrew, a former member of Shekinah for over six years in the early 2000s. He shares his journey into the world of the church, how his labor was exploited, and how much of his experience was shaped by his various roles within the cult. He also discusses the disturbing accusations against Pastor Robert Shinn that ultimately led him to leave. Finally, Andrew explains his decision to come forward and how he has reconciled with his spiritual programming. Forgive Me For I Have Followed continues the exploration from Netflix’s hit Dancing for the Devil documentary series by delving deeper into the personal stories of those affected by Robert Shinn, Shekinah Church, and 7M Films. We will focus on the experiences of victims and their families, address urgent questions raised in the documentary, and gather insights from former members and dancers. Our goal is to uncover strategies for combating abuse and ensuring that controlling, cult-like communities are held accountable for their actions. *The following is based on actual events. Certain composite and representative materials and characters have been used for dramatic purposes. See for privacy information.
“Kevin Part 2”
In the conclusion to our conversation,, we dive deeper into Kevin “Konkrete” Davis’s challenges with Shekinah Church and 7M Films. He reveals the key moments and conversations that helped him realize the changes he needed to make, as well as the fallout from his decision to leave and forge his own path forward. Forgive Me For I Have Followed continues the exploration from Netflix’s hit Dancing for the Devil documentary series by delving deeper into the personal stories of those affected by Robert Shinn, Shekinah Church, and 7M Films. We will focus on the experiences of victims and their families, address urgent questions raised in the documentary, and gather insights from former members and dancers. Our goal is to uncover strategies for combating abuse and ensuring that controlling, cult-like communities are held accountable for their actions. *The following is based on actual events. Certain composite and representative materials and characters have been used for dramatic purposes. See for privacy information.
“Kevin Part 1”
In Part 1 of this two-part conversation, we catch up with Kevin "Konkrete" Davis to learn about his journey since leaving Shekinah Church and 7M Films. He shares how “Krumping” led him to the church, reflects on his challenging experiences there, and explains why it ultimately wasn’t the right fit. Kevin also discusses his growing relationship with his wife, Kailea, and his current pursuits in life, art and dance. Forgive Me For I Have Followed continues the exploration from Netflix’s hit Dancing for the Devil documentary series by delving deeper into the personal stories of those affected by Robert Shinn, Shekinah Church, and 7M Films. We will focus on the experiences of victims and their families, address urgent questions raised in the documentary, and gather insights from former members and dancers. Our goal is to uncover strategies for combating abuse and ensuring that controlling, cult-like communities are held accountable for their actions. *The following is based on actual events. Certain composite and representative materials and characters have been used for dramatic purposes.See for privacy information.
Join Jessica Acevedo, the Executive Producer of Netflix’s explosive docu-series, Dancing For The Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, and Kailea Gray, marketing strategist and former 7M Films member, as they further expose the core of 7M Films and Shekinah Church.
Forgive Me For I Have Followed embarks on a gripping journey into the hidden truths behind this high control group. Through powerful in-depth interviews with former members and new, chilling first-hand accounts, the series will illuminate untold, necessary perspectives. Stories like Kailea’s happen far too often. This podcast will also feature individuals whose lives have been affected by other cults. This will be more than an exploration—it is a vital revelation aimed at ensuring these types of abuses never happen again.