Exclusive CR discount for Talking Cars viewers at: https://www.cr.org/jointalkingcars There's been a lot of change in the US recently! And it will likely have a big impact on the automotive market, particularly when it comes to electric vehicles. On this episode of Talking Cars, we discussed the current state of the EV market, taking questions live from our YouTube audience! We discussed current government policy and regulation regarding EVs, charging infrastructure, market demand, competition in the industry, and more. Consumer Reports EV Hub: https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/hybrids-evs/?EXTKEY=YSOCIAL_YT CR Cars: https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/?EXTKEY=YSOCIAL_YT Have a question for our experts? Leave a comment on this episode, or reach out to us directly! Send us a text at
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