We are musicians, composers, engineers, teachers and students alike.
The path of a musician can be challenging and uncertain but it can also be enriching and ...
In episodes 64 and 89, we discussed the roots of blues and country and delta blues. Now we spread out from these genres to cover Texas blues and Piedmont blues. We will discuss how the sounds from these regions stand apart and a few of the main artists that influeced these styles.
140-Listener Compositions Pt.8
This, our 8th Listener Compositions episode, is all about our fine listeners and their fine talents. Let's hear what they've been up to! This episode will feature the original music of Soren Thomsen (Current Maso), Edward Bender, Thomas Czarples, Emily Zhang and Keith Andrews!
139-Harmonic Sequences Pt.1
Melodic sequences occur frequently in music. They are often accompanied by harmonic sequences. Certain harmonic sequence patterns are constructed to preserve good voice leading without breaking the pattern. In this episode, we will focus on the descending circle of fifths sequence.
138-Music and Grief
Grief, and the emotions that come with it, can often effect how we listen to music and how we write music. However, music can be a good companion during the healing process. In this episode we will share our experiences and those of some fellow musicians. We will discuss composers that have been stricken with grief and we will look at ways to use music to help with the healing process.
137-Schenkerian Analysis Pt.2
In episode 132, we merely scratched the surface of Schenkerian analysis. We will now continue our discussion of prolongation and listen to a few more examples of horizontalization. We will then discuss how Schenker looks at dominant and predominant functions. Ready your theory brains!
We are musicians, composers, engineers, teachers and students alike.
The path of a musician can be challenging and uncertain but it can also be enriching and great fun! This is the path we chose and we are here as your resource. Explore theory, history, ear training, technique, special topics and overall musicianship.