With hosts Lisa Desjardins (English) and Maya Urbanowicz (French). In line with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)’s mandate for intellectual prop...
Exploring the intersection between IP law and the protection of Indigenous knowledge and cultural expressions.
Vincent de Grandpré, lawyer and trademark agent at Bennett Jones and member of IPIC’s Committee for Indigenous IP explains the intersection between intellectual property law and the protection of Indigenous knowledge and cultural expressions. Explore online: Indigenous peoples and intellectual property (canada.ca)Indigenous Bar AssociationImplementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Act (justice.gc.ca)Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ipic.ca)
How the IP agent profession is regulated
Juda Strawczynski, CEO and Registrar of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA) explains how CPATA regulates the IP agent profession, ensuring that patent agents and trademark agents deliver accessible, ethical and expert IP services in Canada.Explore online:CPATA Public RegisterCPATA Code of Professional Conduct
What innovators need to know about the Competition Bureau
Alan Gunderson, senior economist and coordinator at the Economic Analysis Directorate at the Competition Bureau explains the Bureau’s mandate and actions when it comes to intellectual property.Explore online:Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines
How does IP fit into the world of scientific research and experimental development?
David Arsenault, Atlantic Regional Manager for the Canada Revenue Agency's Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program, demystifies the parallel worlds of R&D and IP from an SR&ED tax incentive program perspective.Explore online:SR&ED tax incentivesSelf-Assessment and Learning ToolSR&ED outreach programRequest a free telephone consultation with an SR&ED specialistIncome Tax Folio S3-F4-C1, General Discussion of Capital Cost AllowanceConsultation Paper: Scientific Research and Experimental DevelopmentConsultation Paper: Creating a Patent Box RegimeLearn more about SR&ED eligibility guidelines:T4088 SR&ED Guide to Form T661
How is I.P. managed when the government funds you to innovate?
Grant Lynds, a senior advisor on IP matters from the IP Centre of Expertise, sheds light on the role of this group and how IP considerations are addressed in government funding agreements.Explore online:Canadian Intellectual Property OfficeIntellectual Property Centre of ExpertiseCollege of Patent Agents and Trademark AgentsIntellectual Property Institute of Canada
With hosts Lisa Desjardins (English) and Maya Urbanowicz (French). In line with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)’s mandate for intellectual property (IP) awareness and education, this podcast is dedicated to increasing awareness, knowledge and the effective use of IP by Canadians.
Canadian IP voices is a podcast series where we discuss tips, tricks and issues, and understand the bigger picture on how trademarks, patents, copyrights, industrial designs and trade secrets work in real life. Listen to real problems—and real solutions—explained by a range of IP professionals and stakeholders across Canada and abroad. Tune in each month for interviews and real life stories with special guests. Produced by CIPO.
Podcast disclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed in the podcasts listed on this website are those of the individual podcasters and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of CIPO.