Streaming audio recording and transcript/text of the Slow American English podcast for learners of American English. Episode 72: Interstate Highway System
Episode 71: Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company
Streaming audio recording and transcript/text of the Slow American English podcast for learners of American English. Episode 71: Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company
Episode 70: Seattle, WA
Streaming audio recording and transcript/text of the Slow American English podcast for learners of American English. Episode 70: Seattle, WA
Episode 69: Rock ‘n’ Roll Music
Streaming audio recording and transcript/text of the Slow American English podcast for learners of American English. Episode 69: Rock 'n' Roll Music
Episode 68: Bill Gates and Microsoft
Streaming audio recording and transcript/text of the Slow American English podcast for learners of American English. Episode 68: Bill Gates and Microsoft