Written, produced and edited by Seattle Tilth's Master Composter/Soil Builders. Learn how to compost in the great northwest.
funded by Seattle Public Utilitie...
Photo by erix!, shared via Flickr.
In this episode of Seattle's Master Composter Podcast, host Joshua McNichols translates soil science into a short piece of young adult fiction. And you thought soil science couldn't make you cry.
Master Composters #6: Mulches
Photo by Shacker, shared via Flickr
Mulches provide instant protection for bare soils. You can apply them in the fall, if you waited too long to plant your cover crop. This gets you quick protection from winter rains. In the summer, mulches protect soil life from the hot summer sun, and help retain valuable moisture. But it's important to pick the right mulch for the right kind of garden. We sit down with a Master Composter to discuss the different kinds of mulch available for purchase - or free in your own backyard.
Master Composters #5: Cover Crops
You've amended your soil with compost. But all your soil's hard-won nutrition will wash out to sea unless you protect it from the winter rains.
Join the Master Composters in the garden to learn how cover crops can protect your soil. Another way to let nature do the work for you.
Master Composters #4: Worm Bins
Worm bins give you another way to manage food waste in the city. In this episode, we compare worm bins to their close relative, the green cone.
Master Composters #3: Green Cones
You can't put food waste in your compost bin. So where can you put it? In a green cone. Green Cones are the lowest maintenance way to deal with food scraps. We discuss how this system works, and where to put it.
Written, produced and edited by Seattle Tilth's Master Composter/Soil Builders. Learn how to compost in the great northwest.
funded by Seattle Public Utilities, the King County Hazardous waste management program and the Saving Water Partnership and managed by Seattle Tilth.